Sunday, December 25, 2011


Jika hidup ini adalah sebuah permainan,
Apakah manusia hanyalah para boneka yang digerakkan oleh sang empunya?
Apakah Tuhan adalah segala kuasa yang ada?

Jika hidup ini adalah sebuah kesadaran,
Apakah Tuhan hanyalah angan manusia untuk tetap berpijak?
Apakah manusia adalah penguasa dari hidupnya sendiri?

Selamat Natal 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dear You

Dear my heart,

If you're a girl

There's only two options

Rather to bend my knees and worship you

Or just kill you

Dear my heart,

Years have become our life-witness

I've worship you in many ways

like cut off the neuron to my brain

So it cannot think about love

So you became the God of my love story

Dear my heart,

can I just kill you now?


Why always there's 'or'?

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.2

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I Am Watching You Now

There was a time that I called it as a past
Maybe there was no you in that time
Time that i never saw you in my dream
Nor even in the daylight of my heart
I could walk away at a straight line
Step to my point without looked at you
Line that had been disappointing me
I never knew you and I never wanted to know

Life that you and I live is the present
Everything seems so uncertain
I can hold on to nothing
I try to keep away all the things from me
Me and only myself
Try to realize that life still become a life,
even when loneliness is the only friend

All I know that in this present time
I walk at another straight line
Still without you in my side
Because nothing I can be sure of
About me and my life

I am watching you now
A thing that I can do in this time
I am watching you now

If there will be a time in the future
If tomorrow become now
If there is no more things that I am afraid of
I will make a promise to you
There will be no more “I”
Only “Us”

I am watching you now
A thing that I can do in this time
I am watching you now