Wednesday, January 22, 2014

scary world

the world scares me
it's so scary

the look
the walk
the talk

so scary

Friday, January 10, 2014

Mouse Trap

I don't want to be an adult. Why should I be an adult? Why must I?
Adult life is a big trap, just like a mouse trap. It comes with a big and delicious cheese. Roquefort. Then, just the time you taste it, heaven and hell come at one place and one time. Jedeerrr!
There are two the problems with adult trap. First, the cheese sometimes is not really what you want. What if you like brie de meaux better than roquefort, but people around you always tell that roquefort is the best because it's very popular and very common? Second problem is that once you come to the trap, there's no way back. It will become worse because the cheese won't last forever but the trap is forever. Early days in the trap, maybe, is easy. It's okay if you have to become the responsible one with all the loads and craps, because you still have your cheese, something heavenly. But, when the cheese run out, you will always looking for something unnecessary just to walk in your "trap" life.
I don't want to be an adult. It's a trap. I want to be childish all the time. A child who only care about a toy to play and some friends to laugh and cry sometimes.
But again, what do I know? Maybe living inside a mouse trap is better than living in this wild crazy world..